Online Inquiry and Booking

Ziebart Makati Office

We are here ready to help!

Ziebart CarSavers is committed to helping you in any way we can – from answering your questions to servicing your vehicle and everything in-between.

While we accept drive-in customers without any appointments, it is always best to set an appointment by completing the "Online Booking" form below. Setting an appointment with a confirmed booking helps ensure your vehicle will be given priority and that the service(s) will be completed and delivered on time and as agreed.

You can also use the form below for any inquiries or call the most convenient Ziebart branch below.

  • Ziebart CarSavers Makati: 02 8818.7777 | +63 917.586.3094 / +63 998.563.3094.
  • Ziebart Parañaque: +63 905.232.8637. | 02 8822.1000.
  • Ziebart Quezon City: 02 8352.3780 / 02 8376.1876.
  • Ziebart Manila: +63 917.879.8304. | +63 949.992.1310.
  • Ziebart Batangas: 043 783.0813.
  • Ziebart Cavite: 046 476.0394.
  • Novus Glass Repair Hotline: +63 922.315.9075.
  • Following are some reminders of our scheduling procedures:

    1. Please set your appointment at least two (2) working days before your preferred date.
    2. Our Customer Service Officer will call you to answer any questions, and to CONFIRM your schedule within the day or at the soonest possible time.
    3. Once your appointment date and time is confirmed, please arrive on-time as you may lose your slot which can also affect agreed delivery dates and time.
    4. Should you decide to CANCEL or RE-SCHEDULE an appointment which has already been confirmed, as a courtesy, we request that you please call or text the Customer Service Officer or the Ziebart branch directly as soon as possible.
    5. Customers should claim their vehicles once their pick-up time is confirmed with our staff. Please come at your scheduled time to avoid waiting more than necessary.

    Operating Hours:

  • Makati, Quezon City, Manila, Cavite and Batangas: Monday to Saturday - 8:00am to 5:00pm.
  • Parañaque: Tuesday to Sunday - 9:00am to 6:00pm.

    Inquiry and Booking Form

    Please Choose:


    Branch: (please choose)

    Full Name:

    Existing Customer? (please choose)

    Contact Number:

    Vehicle Year, Make and Model:

    Plate Number:

    Services Interested In:

    Preferred Date:

    Preferred Time:


    By clicking on Submit, I agree to share my contact information with CarSavers Ziebart (CZ) and Bathala Marketing Industries Inc. (BMII) under the terms of its Privacy Policy

    Ziebart / CarSavers