If you live in Metro Manila, chances are your vehicle has already been through a flood. Or maybe even worst, unsanitary floodwater has entered your vehicle, causing your interior and maybe both mechanical and electronic components to get soaked. Drying it out at home or at the gas station may appear to initially solve the problem, but don’t be fooled! Problems will most likely begin to appear very shortly. Electronic components such as the computer box will begin failing, wheel bearings stuck-up, starter motors begin corroding & failing, rust begins in areas where you can’t see it, odors persist and on and on.
Our Flood Damage Restoration services include restoration of your vehicles complete interior including deodorization and decontamination. We can also restore electronic/mechanical components, (such as computer boxes, automatic door window controls, cd players, etc.), as well as clean and re-lubricate important mechanical components such as steering and brake mechanisms, repack wheel bearings, etc. We can also stop body rust right on its tracks. Time is of the essence if we are to help save your flood damaged vehicle!
Flooded Car? Here’s what you can do...